Eric Nam "Heaven's Door" MV and Review

English subtitles are now available. :D
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I want to start off saying I really liked this video. I thought it was super cute and  showcases one of the many things I love about Koreans. They are so darn sweet and romantic! Seriously...these male pop idols really know how to tug at the heart strings. It's like they are truly the perfect man. So thoughtful, deep, and sensitive while still being cool and confident. 

I seriously consider moving to South Korea multiple times every day. lol. 

Anyway...the song was pretty good. I only listened to it once and I can't remember any of the chorus so that is not a good sign. Usually when listening to K-pop I really like, the hook stays in my head FOR-FREAKING-EVER! lol Like Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry Sorry" or Girls Generation's "I Got A Boy". Those songs were stuck in my head for DAYS. And don't even get me started on BigBang. I started listening to them about 6 months ago and I literally can't stop. This last month I have listened to nothing but Tablo and BigBang all day, every day.(My poor boyfriend) 

Anyway back to Eric Nam. I searched him on Google and didn't come up with much so I'm guessing he's a new artist. I like him. 

Overall Score
Music Video : 4\5
Song : 2\5
Sexiness : 3\5

BigBang Fuse Interview English Sub



K-Pop group BigBang talks to Fuse

They both look so handsome in this interview. They look like royalty or something. lol I especially love GD's awesome hair. It's too bad TOP is wearing sunglasses :( I would have loved to see his beautiful eyes <3 <3 


I can't wait to buy this DVD. I really wish I could of been there in person to see BigBang live. However, this is the next best thing. I think it comes with a poster and tons of bonus footage :) SO EXCITED!!! I must have this! V.I.P.!!

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