Jonghyun-Diphylleia Grayi (Skeleton Flower)(Eng)

You are a flower that turns transparent in the rain
The white petal between us becomes moist with regret
It's transparent, but it doesn't disappear
When obscured from view, at least it doesn’t hurt
But being unable to grasp it despite knowing this
Hurts as if I'm being torn apart, as if I'm dying
Now that it’s drenched with tears
My obvious mistakes can be seen no longer

They get scattered by the wind
They grow wetter with dew

Dear petal before me,
Bearing the thick scent that deceived me
So that I wouldn't be able to find you
You imprisoned me up in the room of eternity
And now you smile guilefully and snow white

They get scattered by the wind
They grow wetter with dew

As time passes the white petals, too, will wilt away
With no memory of having been translucent

They're getting scattered by sorrow
They're growing wetter with tears

Time passes
Time passes
Time passes
Time passes
Time passes
Time passes


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